Cost and sustainability

The perks of being a dinosaur

rant1 A blackboard with “rant of the day” printed at the top and the letters NHS with pound signs drawn in white chalk

I had a list of things I wanted to blog about so instead I’m going to write about something completely different which came up few days ago.

I’ve been trying to get more into doing work outside of Mind which uses my lived experience of having mental health problems, last week I attended a workshop on Outcomes Based Commissioning (OBC). I’ve learnt that mental health meetings and groups loves acronyms, an alphabet soup of conditions, job roles, legislation and projects.

I’d like to tell you more about exactly what that is but honestly I’m not entirely sure myself. I can tell you that 8 organisations some statutory such as the NHS and some charity such as Mind and Spear are working together to change the delivery of…

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Awareness Without Provision 

Well said


This week is suicide prevention week and there’s a lot of discussion and debate about the support appropriate for those in suicidal crisis – how to prevent one killing oneself and, better, how to prevent reaching such a crisis point. However, what often gets missed is the provision available to help those in need – and, indeed, who is deemed suitable to be given that provision which is currently available.

Yesterday, the crisis team manager – who has been very kind to me and tried her best – told me that I am the most suicidal person she’s ever come across. Today, my psychologist parted from me saying she hopes that I’m still here when she’s back from her week off.

So, having had the severity of my ill-health and the extent of the current risk to myself assessed by these two highly trained, experienced professionals in positions of power…

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My New Hero – Saul David Alinsky: Community Organiser

You – the Ordinary Person – Are Powerful

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

3. Whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Web Based DBT Peer Support Group Coming Soon!

DBT Informed Peer Connections


I have been leading a DBT skills Peer Support group on Facebook for several months now and it is going better than I could have ever expected and after many members expressing interest, I have decided that I am going to take the group to the next level and create a core curriculum that teaches dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills. The goal is to offer free skills training to people who do not have access to a DBT program and a means for those who have completed a program to check what they have learned.

The group shall function according to a peer support model. (See image above.) What is more I am petitioning my college for permission to conduct an independent study that my work may add to DBT’s scientific evidence base. Regardless, I am certain that together we shall create a new vision of peer support…

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Ditching the Term “Engagement”

Mental Health Professionals frequently use the term “Non-Engagement” to describe a situation in which they struggle to access the mental health patient; in which they can’t get through.


That term, to me, feels detached and about blame. Along with this come labels of laziness, dismotivation, resulting in feelings of unworthiness. It makes the patient feel that there is something inherently wrong with them or that they are just no good.


We need a new term.


I think a nice way to change would be to stop even talking about “engagement'” and talk about “talking” and conversations; listening and relationships… Engagement at times feels like a cold word to describe something that we want to be meaningful and purposeful… Imagine saying “We have an increased number of people who are struggling to talk to us”; the by product of this, I feel, causes so much more curiosity… As I am much more curious about people who are struggling to talk to us as oppose to a “non engagement number”… We are in this job to help people.


I leave you to reflect.


The Gas-lighting of Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum

Interesting article about women with #Asperfer’s

Seventh Voice

Artwork by Mirella Santana

Of all the traits attributed to Women on the Autism Spectrum, there remains one that not only continues to go unrecognized as a valid trait but has also suffered the fate of being reconstructed by professionals as a rationale for denying Women a diagnosis.

The trait I’m referring to is that of developing a strong sense of self-awareness.

In almost every description pertaining to the experiences of Women with Asperger’s Syndrome there is evidence of the development of an early, inexplicable sense of ‘otherness,’ to be found.

This sense of ‘otherness’ expands exponentially as girls grow older and develops into a keen sense of self-awareness.

Their strong sense of self-awareness in turn, increases their sensitivity toward any and all experiences that suggest or confirm their perceptions of themselves as different.

Undoubtedly, whilst at school, undiagnosed spectrum girls will find themselves showered, almost daily, with an endless array of situations that…

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Clinical features of suicide attempts in adults with autism spectrum disorders

How to help those with ASD in a suicide attempt

Left Brain Right Brain

For those who don’t read Left Brain/Right Brain regularly, know that I am constantly bothered by the lack of attention to understanding the needs of autistic adults that I see in much of the ongoing research and in many parent-advocacy groups. My child is still somewhat young, but I realize that real understanding comes with time. Not only will attention to autistic adults provide benefit for those already of age, but it will set the stage for a better life for the autistic children of today.

When I see an study titled “Clinical features of suicide attempts in adults with autism spectrum disorders”, I am taken aback by just how serious this question is. The study out of Japan is preliminary but they found 7.3% of patients seen for attempted suicide are autistic. Take whatever prevalence for autism among adults you think is appropriate. I suspect the autism prevalence in…

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An Example of how to Listen to a Patient

Dear Mental Health Staff 👋

An Example of How NOT to listen:

💬 “I’m really struggling with the idea of going on Holiday because I struggle with change of environment”

❎ “It’ll be great. You’ll really enjoy it. Holidays are really great. Kay. Bye”

In this example, the staff member has tried to reassure the person – with good intentions. They wish to encourage the person to “think positively”. However what they’ve actually done inadvertently, is to invalidate their thoughts & feelings. The staff gave their own opinion, rather than understanding that of the patient. There is a reason why the person feels this way – unlocking their true feelings & worries is the key to allowing them to release their pain. Trying to understand a perspective other than your own shows that you care. The person doesn’t want you to cover up their feelings with positivity. They want you to care.

What would have been better:

💬 “I’m really struggling with the idea of going on Holiday because I struggle with change of environment”

☑ “Okay. Tell me more about why you feel that.”


Please, be kind.

Asperger’s, Wokingham Borough Council and Me


Dear Reader,

I want to tell you about something that’s happened with me over the last few months

Wokingham Borough Council are launching an investigation into the fact that I’m not at the Flat I rented.

I was living in an environment that was harmful, even detrimental to my health. I struggle to care for myself due to lots of disabilities. I struggled.


My care coordinator decided that I needed supported living to help me. But Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) told us that they did not provide any.
There were no further options and in my stony place I decided to rent a Flat, because I needed an answer and I needed some respite.

I started to move, but added to my distress came overwhelming suicidal thoughts. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s, when this move triggered attempted suicide. Since then I have not been able to move to the Flat, because of the risk involved. £4,200 is down the drain…

On 28th July, I was told Wokingham Borough Council are launching an “investigation” into me because I’m not living at my Flat, I am living at home. I’ve been told by my Mental Health Team that:

“Wokingham Borough Council have been keeping an eye on my Facebook posts as part of their investigation.”

I am a disabled person and I am trying to survive. Wokingham Borough Council have not helped me out. Espionage is crude. I feel like a bug, squashed down but I am important.


Thankyou for reading and solidarity to disabled people,





(Picture source: )