An Example of how to Listen to a Patient

Dear Mental Health Staff 👋

An Example of How NOT to listen:

💬 “I’m really struggling with the idea of going on Holiday because I struggle with change of environment”

❎ “It’ll be great. You’ll really enjoy it. Holidays are really great. Kay. Bye”

In this example, the staff member has tried to reassure the person – with good intentions. They wish to encourage the person to “think positively”. However what they’ve actually done inadvertently, is to invalidate their thoughts & feelings. The staff gave their own opinion, rather than understanding that of the patient. There is a reason why the person feels this way – unlocking their true feelings & worries is the key to allowing them to release their pain. Trying to understand a perspective other than your own shows that you care. The person doesn’t want you to cover up their feelings with positivity. They want you to care.

What would have been better:

💬 “I’m really struggling with the idea of going on Holiday because I struggle with change of environment”

☑ “Okay. Tell me more about why you feel that.”


Please, be kind.

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